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Mother is the factory of happiness

 Mother is the factory of happiness
Categories: Great quotes

The mother is the factory of happiness

Women are the factories of men, and the goodness of the children is due, first and foremost, to the goodness of the mother. In the past, Shawqi said: “The mother is a teacher... Didn’t you know that the beloved Muhammad said to us: Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father?” The real investment is the investment in the happiness of phllolo. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal - may God have mercy on him -: My mother made me memorize the Holy Qur’an when I was ten years old. She used to wake me up for the dawn prayer and heat water for ablution for me on the cold nights of Baghdad, and she would dress me in heavy clothes, then she would put on her hijab and go. With me to the mosque because of its distance from home and the darkness of the road.. The husband says: I went in to see my eleven-year-old son, who was training in the company in computer maintenance when he was seven years old and who later became an engineer, and I found him downloading operating programs from the Internet on The computer of our neighbor, who was a police officer, had good morals and ethics, and loved my son very much. I said: Son, I ask you to allow me to send a necessary email for work at the company in America from your device. The Internet is not working for me, and we were just before dawn. The son smiled in shame, hesitated, and stuttered, and said: Could you, Your Honor, wait for me until I ask permission for the dawn prayer from the computer owner, so that we can use his Internet password... An overwhelming, enormous joy appeared on my face, with a smile the size of the universe, and in a loud voice audible to the sleeping household: God is great... God is great... Praise be to God. To God.. Before he woke up from this reaction, my kisses were not only on his face, but also on his forehead and both hands.. And I said: God bless you, my son. May God grant you a lawful, good and blessed thing. Praise be to God. Well done.. I left him with tears filling my eyes - tears of joy - here he is, this firstborn with my good news and his mother’s piety. He does not accept forbidden matters, even in a matter that seems trivial to the adults. He does computer maintenance for free and sending an email will not cost a man a few pennies. But in the field of education, you must praise the child and rejoice that he observes what is permissible and what is forbidden, and encourage him especially as he begins his steps on the bumpy path of his professional life, with all the doubts and temptations it contains... This situation made me take three steps back: the first step is three years old. And when we were performing surgery on this boy in the Health Insurance Hospital while he was in anesthesia, the doctor came out not only giving us good news of the success of the operation, but he also said to me, “Do you know that I did not want to finish the operation now?” Your son, throughout the anesthesia period, was repeating supplications and supplications to God... We were all crying, me, the anesthesiologist, and the nurses... He is a good boy for sure... The second step was several years before that, when she married his mother, two weeks after the engagement period, and she taught him what was permissible and breastfed him. Honest halal milk. Her brother - may God have mercy on him - told her - and he was in the third year of secondary school at the time... and he was the divine servant who was investigating what was permissible and what was forbidden in an incredible way... and I will write an article about him, God willing - that their father was doing work that was suspiciously forbidden, and it was not permissible for them to eat or wear anything except... What satisfies their hunger and covers their shame. Despite his young age, he was the reason for the tendency of very many young people to love religion, and the whole house - due to his honesty - listened to his words and did what he wanted. He was the son who came to his mother after a long life and after many years. girls . Wondering about their food..! What was in the house? There was only cheese and bread in the three meals, and I used to go to them before marriage, bringing with me vegetables from our land, and my mother baked bread for them. I used to find great joy in my wife’s face that made me feel ashamed for these simple things. I was still studying at university and my situation was poor, so she would pray for me a lot of prayers full of love and gratitude. Of course, she still prays to this day for the simplest favor, even if I say to her: How are you? , then quickly intervene; To give the family good news of this precious visit. How did you know about this secret? After several visits to them. She said, “Forgive me. I was supposed to provide you with food that suits you, but the matter is such and such. I told her, ‘Do you know that this food, which in your opinion is simple, is the most delicious food I have ever eaten after my mother’s food?’” ...It is not a compliment. In fact, I used to find a beautiful taste in this simple food. I was very happy with my wife, her mother, her sisters, and her brother, and they preferred to go hungry in a strange example that I have not seen yet! ..They lived in this situation for a long period of more than a year; Until the father was hurt and left this work despite the effort, toil and time it cost him.. Here is her son who memorized the Qur’an at the age of ten years and protected his stomach from forbidden food at his young age. Yes, his mother was the wife that scholars tell about, who used to say to her husband: Fear God, look and do not make us eat forbidden food. As for the far-reaching step...when the Caliph (Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur) asked Imam Malik to write a book on the words of the Master of Messengers, saying: Go to the people with a book, and beware of the invitations of Ibn Omar, and the concessions of Ibn Abbas. Imam (Malik) says as if he taught me composition. When the Caliph attended the science lesson in the Prophet’s Mosque - may God bless him and grant him peace - with Imam Malik, he was impressed by the book and the way he presented the book. The Caliph said: I offer you to come to the palace and teach my children an Islamic education and raise them, and you have whatever you want from it. The reward, and the Imam said: It is not necessary, O Commander of the Faithful. Rather, you must be a role model for your children, and that your actions do not contradict your words, and so whenever you are a role model at home, you do not need a teacher. When one of the followers came to his sheikh and said to him: I want to raise my son properly, he said: How old is he? He said: A year, and he said to him: You are too late! He said: When do I start raising my son?! He said: When you choose his mother.., then choose the one who is religious, let your hands be folded. One time, after the child was three years old, the father came home from work tired, so he drank from a large cup of water in one go while standing while the weather was very hot, and he did not pay attention to applying the Sunnah when drinking. After a moment, the son drank from the same bowl in the same way - and the mother said to him: I taught you to drink while sitting and on me three times and to name God, not from the large bowl, but from the small cup. The son said to her: But my father does that. Hence, the child was imitating the parents at home. The mother noticed that her three-year-old son was imitating his father in the way he prayed. The boy was not crying, but he closed his eyes and moved his head with humility and emotion, and wept as his father did. The things that bring true joy to the home, whether on the individual level or the family level as a whole, are practicing the rituals of God and respecting the rituals of God in your home. This is a simple and spontaneous matter that does not require any effort from you, but it is not easy and only men can achieve this status. For example, you When you fast one day voluntarily for God, and when the call to prayer for Maghrib comes and the time for breaking the fast comes, and you remember God Almighty and pray; God will put in your heart a wonderful and beautiful sweetness and joy that you will feel in your throat and in your limbs - when your son sees you doing that, and sees signs of emotion and signs of joy, and sees your tears running despite you, then inevitably - if you avoid other calamities and problems - he will have a situation with fasting. When you line your feet at night, and when each lover is alone with his beloved, or while the lost people seclude themselves on their phones, you pray several rak’ahs of prayer during the night for an hour, for example, and before the call to prayer for dawn, you sit at your prayer in the utmost relaxation and calm; The pleasure and joy of worship and the beauty of the moment truly embrace you; You see your son sitting in the same position as you, looking at the same gaze as you, experiencing the same pleasure as you, and throwing himself into the same embrace with the longings of servitude and closeness, and when you go out before sunset on the balcony of your house, and the afternoon sun, with its golden colour, prints a kiss of happiness on your forehead as you recite the evening remembrances and rise above this balcony, or even above this building. Rather, it is above all the constellations and spheres, and your soul glorifies the vast upper horizons, breathing divine affection and love... Your son will race against you, be next to you, and compete with you there. So you pour happiness on the soul of those you support, man. When you come back from work, gather yourself, take a shower, and sit with your wife and children, you talk to each other, you listen to each other, to each other’s concerns, to each other’s concerns, to each other’s dreams, and you solve each other’s problems with calmness, love, and serenity, and you become a role model, abandoning your dead phone and your desire to talk via childish, annoying social media and your successive loud posts that You amaze us with it, as if the whole universe is waiting for you as a prophet sent for whom you determine the path.. The house that is led by a mother who knows God and prefers the interests of her husband and children and is satisfied with little as long as he is on God’s side is a successful mother who created a paradise full of happiness that will reap its fruits in this world with a husband who respects and honors her and successful children who love and treat her and in the afterlife contentment. Her Lord, Glory be to Him, the Most High, makes the whole house forget the noise, boredom, boredom, quarrels, and resentment. .. Written by Mr. Ali Al-Sayyar
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